Thursday, February 28, 2008


Recently, on a project, I would have gotten an 100% becuase she miscorrected a problem. Now this was fine as she collected the ones with the mistake and at the end of the period handed them back. Exactly the same. She then lied about them being wrong to cover her own ass. Even when confronted with the textbook she wouldn't budge. She requires us to call her with Dr. instead of Mrs., she is a chiropractor. Not any educational degrees, a degree in chiropractics.

Another separate project, actually this was even the next day, she called me and two other students up to her desk. She yelled at us, not talked to, yelled, about how we only turned in 4 power point slides (We were supposed to do 10 but the day it was due upped it to 15) Now sure, I was expecting it the night before. But when my four slides were more then the whole classes, no one else turned one in, I expected a bit of leniency.

As a side note, on the day before the project was due my friends grandfather (R.I.P) died. You wanna know what she said before even anything like "I'm sorry for your loss." or something? She said "Oh, Okay, then he can hand in his project on Thursday. It was due Wednesday. The day before his grandfather died and she let him have an extra day for his project.

How the hell is this teacher getting tenure this year?!

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